
Showing posts from December, 2017

Fun- A difference of Opinion

I don't know about you, but my five-year-old and I do not always agree on what is fun, how often it should happen or how long it should last.   I can't help but wonder how many other parents  encounter this difference of opinion with one of their children.    Not having an overabundance of money or time, I tend to lean toward time together that is short and inexpensive.  Not understanding cost or time she tend to lean toward activities that are longer and involve an entrance fee. Since I work most of the day, and have to come home to clean and cook, I tend to look for things we can do quietly together at home.  She spends most of her time in school so when she comes home she wants to go somewhere or do something that uses up her pent-up energy.  Business hours of the places she wants to go also limit my ability to meet her immediate wishes for having fun. A few weeks ago I spent some money (OK, more than I should have) on some Christmas craft...