My First 2 Weeks Working From Home

With my employment of the past 9 years ending December 31, 2017, I find myself with the challenge of trying to work from home with two active, loving children who want my undivided attention. .My focus these first two weeks has been on getting some marketing material and ideas together for promoting the Princess Jelisa Stories for Children. Actually, I have accomplished a fair amount given the circumstances. I am sure I could develop more focus, but for a beginning, I feel I am doing well. I can generally get most of what I decide to do for the day completed. Part of my focus has been to post thoughts to my 3 existing blogs. I hope to be able to find a schedule where I can post at least weekly to each blog. Part of the challenge is getting the four (4) year-old to understand that even though I am home, it does not mean I am free to spend all day with her or go shopping everyday. The first week was the hardest but it is getting bette...